Finding a Job on OPT As I have shared I was born in another country and came here as an international student. I’m often asked about getting a job on… Continue reading... September 15, 2017
10 Tech Support Girl Reactions Based on Customer Types The expert customer who called and claimed they went through ALL the troubleshooting already. Refuses to reboot, check cables or do anything because they did… Continue reading... September 8, 2017
Set Different Volume Levels For Each App on Your Samsung Phone So I was playing a game and got addicted to it. However after I edited the volume settings and muted all sounds there was still… Continue reading... August 20, 2017
How To Cure Your Hangover in Time for Work If you have coworkers and friends like mine that “one drink rule” is a unicorn, a myth, heard of but never experienced. Also happy… Continue reading... June 12, 2017
Periods and PCs I was asked how do I work on my period when my job requires some lifting, movement and a friendly attitude. My first thought was… Continue reading... April 23, 2017