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How to Stay Motivated While Building Your Business

March 19, 2018

Okay. So being an entrepreneur is NOT easy, well at least for me and a few other people. It takes work but sometimes you need some motivation or push other than your own will and drive to keep going. External forces help you to keep going. Here are some ways to stay motivated while building your business:

  1. Work on your financial situation. While building a company not having money is a reason some of us may quit and return to being employees. Check out this post to see ways you can make money while building your business.
  2. Create a routine. Even when I was only a blogger I created a routine for myself. I had a schedule design to keep me going. 
  3. Have an accountability partner. Yup. Just like the gym and working out. Have someone you check in with, like parents, friends or mentor. Update them on your progress. 
  4. Socialize with other entrepreneurs and like minded people. People who have started a business, or working on it like you, share the same drive and they motivate you. Two of my best friends both started business last year. With the right and real friends they motivate you and share their knowledge.
  5. Keep Networking. Some people don’t want to network or show off their business until it’s complete. Or have more than an idea to present. I get it, but it’s not necessary. You can go to networking events, and create business cards and hand them out.

What things do you your do to keep yourself motivated? 

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