Some people tend to buy based on what the brand is and then they are fine with it. I do too; I’ve stuck with one brand for like the last 5-6 years. People always tend to ask me if they should get an iPhone or an android phone. There is never an answer until I know what you’re looking for and your tech expertise.
- Pricing – if you’re staying with the same carrier find out if you can trade in your phone, or if you’re eligible for an upgrade. If you are getting a new carrier check out the coverage and data speeds and the offers they give new customers on phones and take advantage of that. You can have a great phone but with horrible coverage it will suck!. Also Pay attention to the contracts and remember that there are no contract plans available.
- If you want a phone that is easy to use overall and that’s you main priority; I always recommend getting an iPhone.
- Overall phone size – I have bought phones and it couldn’t fit in one hand. It was dropped constantly and had to be replaced often, So try to go for something 4-5 inches or less if you are a one hand phone user.
- Camera! In a Social Media, capture everything world camera’s are highly important. Don’t focus on megapixels too much. Pay attention to the specs get a phone with larger micron pixels, wider aperture(let’s in more light); pictures will appear brighter, sharper and look better in low light by comparison. You may also won’t to focus on how well a phone can zoom in without distorting the image. Visit a phone store with phones out for trying and test the camera rigorously.
- Battery Life – You need a phone with an endurable battery; before we’d purchase an extra battery and be fine – but recent phones have built in batteries now so we really have to pay attention. Go for a phone with more than 3,000 mAh battery, read reviews and ask around.
- For the game players and people who need a fast phone when you purchase an android phone bay attention the the RAM; 3GB+ , A snapdragon 600 series processor or higher would be ideal. Check out what processor your preferred android phone might have here. Recent iPhone devices come with an A10 chip; which are speedy.
- Storage: For phone’s with no expandable storage; I suggest getting a phone with over 32 GBs of storage. Anything less like 16 GB probably won’t do, once you start downloading apps, taking pictures and shooting videos.
- Other features you may want to pay attention to; are what the phone is made of, if it is rubberized, waterproof and rugged.
If there are any unanswered questions please feel free to ask.