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4 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Commute

March 11, 2019

If your commute is a drive not all these tips are possible of course. When I worked outside my home, I had a 20-30-minute commute. Here is how I made the most of it:

  1. Read. Try to catch up on reading that book you always wanted to read, read study notes if you’re in school. You can also catch up on the news. If you’re driving, you can try using audible.
  2. Plan Your Day. My commute was always my opportunity to plan my day or what’s left of it. I tend to start my day very early so by the time I’m commuting its half way through it all.
  3. Work on Your Side Hustle. With conditions allowing this work on your side hustle, check emails, trends, create social media posts or do whatever possible to improve your side hustle.
  4. Listen to Music. I often only listen to music while commuting or in the gym. I use this time to discover new music and rediscover old music.
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